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Marathon Achievement

It was the hottest day of the year so far and Brighton, it turns out, is much hillier than you might imagine but that didn’t stop the brewery’s team Fragile but Agile from completing this year’s Brighton Marathon.  Their fatigue, cramps and muscle injuries, not to mention the blisters were all well worth it.  The team’s fundraising total for charity  The Fragile X Society now stands at more than £2500.





Congratulations to Hal, who was the first across the line from Team Agile but Fragile and Ralph and Ethan, who finished the race together arm in arm, along with friends Tom Whitehead and David Edwards who also completed the gruelling 26 mile run.

Ralph, who declared ‘never again’ after finishing his first marathon, has already signed up for another one.  This time it’s Dublin in October and he’ll be raising more money for The Fragile X Society.  Hal is planning his next marathon for 2018 and Ethan has decided, for the time being, he’ll be hanging up his running shoes and finding other ways to support The Fragile X Society.  But that’s what he’s saying now . . .

Head Brewer Ethan Kannor said:  “We’ve had so much support.  Thank you to everyone who has helped us to top our charity fund raising target of £2,000.  We’ve been amazed at how generous our supporters have been.

“It was unexpectedly hot – twenty four degrees.  Injuries sustained early on meant Ralph and I had to walk from mile nine but we managed to rally and we ran the last three miles, crossing the finish line hand in hand, just like we did in the Brentwood Half Marathon.

“Hal beat us both back.  As we’d each burned around 6000 calories, we all celebrated with a double dinner.  It was a really good weekend.”

Thanks also go to Oakley’s Godfather, Cam, for cheering on and supporting the team in Brighton.  Someone had to eat ice cream and drink beer!

The team took on the challenge of running this full marathon in honour of Holly and Ethan’s son Oakley who has been diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome.  It’s the most common inherited cause of learning disability.

There is still time to make a donation at

Or you can support the charity by buying some Fragile X Ale, brewed to support their work,  with a donation going to The Fragile X Society for every bottle or pint sold.

Love Beer, Love Brentwood



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