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Brewery, Events, General, Promotions

Free Beer Tasting

The brewery's best Christmas event to date, a free beer tasting session, is planned for next Saturday 12th December.  Join us between 10am and 3.30pm for some festive fun and the chance to taste half...

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Brewery, General, Products

Brussels & Beer

The perfect beer to accompany Christmas Brussels Sprouts is - drum roll please - our Lumberjack 5.2% ABV.  It's official  - we just discovered this erstwhile unknown phenomenon on Twitter. "As accolades go, this is a...

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Brewery, General, Products, Promotions

The 12 Beers of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas Brentwood Brewery gave to me ... A free Christmas Beer Tasting Session and a discount on bottles of Van Kannor 7.7% ABV luxury, Champagned beer. We Ho,Ho, Ho-pe you will be...

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Brewery, Products, Pub Of The Month

Pub of the Month – The Forresters Arms

As the preparations for Christmas ramp up, our choice for Pub of the Month is a place you can enjoy a festive lunchtime menu with friends.  Equally you could escape to this off the beaten...

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Brewery, Products

Christmas Treats

Looking for some extra special Christmas treats?  We have plenty of festive goodies to tempt you with in the brewery shop from now until 23rd December.  The range includes limited edition beers as well as products...

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Brewery, Products, Promotions

November Beers

Our November Beers of the Month are Winter Warmer 4.7% and Chestnut Stout 3.999%. Beer and Food Match Suggestions: Winter Warmer is the perfect partner to casseroles and stews. Tasting Notes:  A well-balanced, amber-coloured winter ale with...

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Brewery, Events, General, Products, Pub Of The Month

Pub of the Month

We've been working with Britain's Beer Alliance on the There's a Beer for That campaign, to match some of our award-winning Brentwood beers with popular dishes from around the World.  It got us thinking about...

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Brewery, General, Products

Mike’s Success

Congratulations to Mike Conyers.  He's done it.  Three Peaks in just 24 hours.  That's 42k horizontal distance and 3000 vertical metres.  Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon.  All in aid of local...

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Brewery, Events, General

Beautiful Brentwood in Bloom

Petals have been perused, leaves looked at and stalks scrutinised.  Entries for this year's Pubs in Bloom competition have now been judged and the keenly-awaited results announcing which local pub boasts the best blooms...

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