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Brewery, General

The Tap Room

Brentwood Brewery is delighted to announce that following a Twitter poll, the bar in the brewery shop has been named The Tap Room. Almost three quarters of voters chose The Tap Room over three other...

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Charity, General

Smashed It!

The brewery's team Fragile but Agile smashed it!  Not only did they complete the 13.2 mile Brentwood Half Marathon on Sunday in impressively fast times but they smashed their own fund-raising target of £1,000...

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Beer Festival, Charity, Events, General, Products

Fragile Xmas Fun

A big thank you to everyone who came along to support the brewery's Christmas Beer Festival on Saturday, to launch Fragile Xmas Ale, enjoy good beer in the company of friends and to raise...

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Pub Of The Month

Pub of the Month The Fatling

With such a bubbly manager, Sandy Castle, at the helm and her hand-picked, sociable team, a warm welcome and a bit of banter are guaranteed when you step inside The Fatling on Hornchurch High...

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Events, Products

RawHyde at Woodfest

Our friends at RHS Hyde Hall Gardens have once again had a bumper harvest of hops, so for the second year running Brentwood Brewery is pleased to be brewing RawHyde, a green-hopped beer.  RawHyde...

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Pub Of The Month

Pub of the Month The Castle

The Castle at Great Leighs may be famous for being entwined with a spooky legend about a witch, as well as other ghostly tales, but more recently the country pub restaurant has been earning...

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Beer Festival

Elephant Invasion Mammoth Success

The Elephant Invasion Beer Festival was such a mammoth success, with more than a hundred real ale fans enjoying the event, that Brentwood Brewery is planning another beer festival on Saturday December 10th. The brewery...

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