Charity, Products

Team Fragile but Agile

Brentwood Brewery’s Team Fragile but Agile will be tackling the Brentwood Half Marathon this Sunday, raising money for charity, the Fragile X Society.

The 8 strong team (Ethan, Holly, Hal and Ralph Kannor, along with friends) wants to raise awareness of Fragile X Syndrome, a genetic condition which is the most common inherited cause of learning disability.


The brewery has produced Fragile X Ale (ABV 4.3%) to support the Essex- based national charity that helps children and families with the syndrome. For for every bottle or pint sold The Fragile X Society will receive a donation.

Fragile X Ale can be purchased from the Brewery’s Tap Room & Shop or ordered online:

It’s a cause very close to the brewery’s heart as Ethan and Holly’s son Oakley has been diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome.

To find out more (and to sponsor Team Agile But Fragile if you’d like to), please visit their Just Giving page:




The Kannor brothers won’t get much time to nurse their blisters and rest their feet as they’re taking on this year’s Brighton Marathon on April 9th, also raising money and awareness for the Fragile X Society.

Love Beer, Love Brentwood

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